Saturday, July 27, 2024
DiariesEverest 2022

Everest Diaries – 9th May

A summary of events from the slopes of Everest on 9th May 2022.

Taken from Social Media and Team Pages – updated throughout the day


Two of our members would Iike to try without oxygen, so they are now in the camp 3 – camp 4 area doing high altitude training for oxygenless ascents.

Two of our strongest Everest summitter Sherpas are accompanying them, caring extra oxygen, masks, and regulators in case of emergency. The weather is mildly overcast, warm with light snow

Madison Mountaineering

Our 2nd rotation on Everest is complete! We had fun climbing up through the Khumbu icefall and spending a few nights acclimatizing at camp 2.
We climbed up to touch camp 3 for a ‘high point’, a few of us stayed on to climb higher on Nuptse, the peak adjacent to Everest & Lhotse.
We are resting now and preparing to head back up when the weather forecast is good, our high camps are stocked, and conditions look good for our summit attempt!

Climbing The Seven Summits

Summit season is now upon us and our first wave of climbers is at C2 on their summit bids.

Our second wave of climbers will be heading up over the next few days. The weather is looking good for our summit window and we will be watching this closely. High camp is fully stocked with oxygen and supplies and we are ready to go. Our first wave of climbers will be supported by 17 guides and Sherpa at more than a 2:1 ratio of world-class climbing staff to climbers, so they are in the best of hands to say the least.

Gabby and her Mom Jane will leave tonight for their summit bid. Best of luck to all our climbers, Sherpa and guides!


Furtenbach Adventures

All team members made it through the icefall safely and arrived at Camp 1. The rest of the day will be spent resting before moving on to camp 2 tomorrow.

Elia Saikaly

My goal at this point is to do my job well and more importantly be a solid contributing team member. Our employment on this mountain is risky and all that matters is that this summit push is drama-free and seamless for everyone.

Rebecca Louise Fitness

Arrived at camp 2 safe & sound 🙏🏻 Took us 11 hours 🏔 Included a mini traffic jam on the way to 2, good rest at camp 1 & a rest on the way to 2!

Feeling so much better than the last time I was here! Goes to show, just because something is hard the 1st time doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it again!

That’s your nudge to go back to the workout of mine you found the most difficult and do it again 😜

Will be here for 2 nights to rest, fuel up and recover before we head to camp 3🏔 Really can’t believe how great I feel after the 11 hour climb. I found a really great pace and rhythm that I stuck too.

I didn’t worry about who was in front or behind, just kept putting one foot in front of the other! 🙋🏼‍♀️


Pioneer Adventures – Makalu

We would like to congratulate our two elite international alpinists: Mr. Lon Patrick Murphy🇺🇸 and Battogtokh Altangere🇲🇳 who successfully scaled Makalu today at 10:50 A.M. with the help of our experienced Sherpa Guides: Mr. Kami Sherpa🇳🇵 and Pem Lakpa Sherpa🇳🇵.
The sparkle of joy and victory of our international climbers gives us immense pleasure and strengthens our commitment to success with safety.

We have always been privileged to be a part of your journey.

Sirbaz Khan – Kangchenjunga

Greetings from the summit of Mt Kanchenjunga (8,586 m) the third highest peak in the world.

Thanks to ALLAH SWT who blessed me with the opportunity to take the green flag on another summit above 8000 meters. When I started Mission Summit 14 project in 2017, I had only one summit and the remaining 13 high peaks looked intimidating. But with your support and prayers, today we have completed 10 summits. We have all come a long way. Alhamdulilah!

This project is not just an individual goal. It holds a lot more importance. It is about taking Pakistan and especially the underprivileged mountaineering community of Pakistan to the highest summits. It is about “Taking Pakistan Forward” and that’s exactly what we’ll do.

Thanks to all of you who have supported me through your love and prayers. I am truly grateful

Marco Confortola – Kangchenjunga

Marco is about to return from Kanchenjunga’s Base Camp
In the past few days Marco has had some eye problems but nothing to worry about.
We decided on a return to Italy to check that everything is perfectly ok before facing a challenging mountain like the Nanga Parbat .
He has in his heart the image of the Indian climber who died due to quota issues.
Indelible images that made this hike very sad.

Nimsdai – Kangchenjunga

Kanchenjunga is a serious undertaking. The third highest mountain in the world represents the toughest climb – technical and requiring huge skill – it’s a must for any serious mountaineer’s bucket list.

@Atalthani and I did the summit push in two days on this most difficult of mountains. We smashed it from Base Camp to Camp 2 and then Camp 2 to the summit, with a few hours rest at Camp 3.

Huge respect to Asma for smashing this one because she wasn’t feeling great at the beginning of the climb. But after a few hours’ sleep we cracked on and I’m very proud to have helped once again guide this incredibly determined person. She becomes the First Arabic to summit Kanchenjunga – huge congratulations and respect!

Asma Al Thani – Kangchenjunga

Summit Summit Summit!

And what a peak it was.

Kanchenjunga (8586m) is one of the most beautiful mountains to climb. Completely out of this world. Its characteristics of dramatic seracs, deep crevasses to its steep slopes and rocky summit.

I’d been sick for a couple of days and was worried I wouldn’t make it. But trying is always better than not, right?

In 2 days we summited the magnificent Kanchenjunga. From camp 2, we began our summit push. We proceeded to Camp 3, passing Camp 4 on our way up toward the summit.

Although Kanchenjunga is the world’s third highest mountain, it is famous for its extremely long summit push. And it was a long one. Before we reached the summit, the day turned into night and back again.

Perseverance is something I learned to value on this mountain. Perseverance in the pursuit of my goal. Fighting the inner demons that tell you that you can’t make it. In order to succeed, you must be willing to keep searching for light in the darkest of places, even when it appears impossible. I decided to go ahead and do it, and so we did.

I had a strong team behind me. United by brotherhood and lead by @Nimsdai@mt.sherpa @lakpa8848 @guiding_photography @ifmga_tenji_sherpa @lakpa8848. Their attention to detail, the strength they had and the helping of one another was inspiring. We shared every step to the summit and back.

When you really want something, fight for it — don’t give up no matter how hopeless it appears. And when you’ve given up hope, ask yourself if you’ll wish you’d given it one more shot in a couple of years. The best things in life don’t come easy. Don’t let fear keep you from doing the things you want to do.

I am humbled to be the first Arab to summit Kanchenjunga, hopefully to many more