Saturday, February 8, 2025
2021 SeasonK2

Jordi Tosas looks forward to K2

Jordi Tosas is ready for all that K2 can bring him this summer.

In a change from the norm, he is planning to lead the rope-fixing team, alongside Austria’s Stephan Keck.

“Well yeah, it seems like I’m going to K2.

“Many people are surprised by the route and the style. Abruzzo spur and fixed ropes.

“I have a facet as a mountaineer where the ethics of the tribe is essential. And another as a High Mountain Guide. It is from this position and with the commitment to a risky profession and respect for training that he became part of the Pakistani team that is going to try to fix the ropes to this mountain. Commercial expeditions have already split from Mountaineering as such.

“Now it is important that your activity is carried out safely for both local professionals and customers. With respect for each other, with the fragility of the mountain and also with any other athlete who climbs on that same peak.”