Saturday, February 8, 2025
Everest 2021

Daily Everest Updates – May 21st

Updates from Everest from Individuals and Teams on the Mountain – May 21st.

Alpine Ascents

“Sorry for not posting much the last several days, but not much has been happening here at Basecamp. We have been resting for the most part, staying healthy here and enjoying the comforts of Basecamp. We are looking forward to moving again tonight as we head up to Camp 2 and beyond for our summit attempts. We have some flexibility with our exact summit date depending on the weather so will keep you informed as we continue up. For now though we will get some more rest this afternoon before heading to Camp 2.”

Climbing the Seven Summits

“Our second round of summit climbers are staged at C2 and C3 today looking towards a summit push in the next few days. Weather has been overcast and a bit of wind, with conditions forecasted to further improve tomorrow as they move up.

“At C3 is our Lhotse Team Wolfe and Francisco as well as Everest climbers Francesco and Remy with their private guides, and Mario C and Akash with guide Big Tendi.

“At C2 are Everest climbers Jessica H, Jessica E. H, HP, Clayton W, Tomi, Asma, Malu, Ossy, Vanessa, Mario F, and Little Tendi.

“Our Western Guided team and Damian are at Everest Basecamp getting ready for their summit bid.”

Dante Flc

“The ascent has started 💪

“Today we sleep at Camp 2 (6,400m) and tomorrow we will climb up to Camp 3 (7,200m).

“We are hoping for a window this weekend.”

Gaz Jones

“Patiently and sensibly waiting at EBC for our summit push.

“Luckily we have the best leadership on the Mountain @nimsdai @eliteexped plus the funniest and kindest group of people in our team.”

International Mountain Guides

“Expedition Leader Jonathan Schrock checked in to let us know that the Team is now at Camp 3, resting on oxygen for the night.

“The weather has cleared and is looking good for the next few days. The plan for the Team is to be up and climbing by 6am heading for the Yellow Band, Geneva Spur, and on to the South Col. This will provide them with plenty of time to rest, eat, and hydrate during the afternoon, and put them in position to summit on the 23rd.

“Ang Jangbu also reports that 4 IMG Sherpas have climbed up to the South Col to make preparations for the Team to move in. The advanced team will have tents set up and water ready when the Team arrives.”

Jon Kedrowski

“It’s too windy right now to be up there- but soon, that all changes and we’ll be on the highest peak on Earth.

“It’ll be worth the wait and all the hard work to get there.”

Jonathan Lamy

“Just arrived at Camp 4.

“This is no place for human beings.”


“It’s really not funny at 8000 m…

“Leaving for the summit in 3 hours!”


“Sorry departure delayed for 24 hours.

“Morale at 0.

“24hrs in that zone of death is hell.”

Kaitu Expedition

“Back again leading the team after standing on the summit on 11 May 2021, Expedition leader Nima Tenji and lead guide Pema Chiring are in camp 3 tonight with rest of the team.

“They are leaving tomorrow morning to Camp 4 for a summit push.”

Lakpa Dendi Sherpa

“Tomorrow morning we are heading to camp 2 and after tomorrow camp 4 then 24 may is our summit plan of 8848.86 the top of the World.”

Madison Mountaineering

“Today our Everest/Lhotse team moved up from Camp III to Camp IV on the South Col. Conditions were tough with the wind and snow, but everyone did great and are now safely tucked into their tents.

“The plan is to take a rest day tomorrow (5/22) and go for the summit on the following early morning (5/23). Currently, the wind is blowing on the South Col and it’s too noisy for an audio dispatch.”

Marie-Pier Desharnais

“Not long now… we’ve been delayed by tropical cyclones in India which have brought some really high winds and some snow but we are getting ready to rolllll real soon!!

“I couldn’t be more excited.”

Mountain Professionals

“The team is on the move today! After spending the last few days idly awaiting better conditions, they departed Camp 2 this morning and arrived at Camp 3 around mid-day. Situated about halfway up the slopes of the infamous Lhotse Face, C3 sits at approximately 7300m (~24,000’), peering down over the seemingly endless expanse of the Western Cwm.

“After battering the team with rough weather for days, the cyclone seems to be shifting course and the sun finally made an appearance. This morning’s relatively clear conditions were a welcome respite, allowing the team to get an early start toward Lhotse at around 7 AM.
In a new addition to this year’s program, the group was aided with supplemental oxygen while ascending to Camp 3. This helps our climbers reduce stress on their bodies, maintain their strength, and sleep better at C3, making the climb to 8000m Camp 4 both safer and more pleasant.

“As of now, the team’s target summit date is May 23rd. There may be another typhoon on the horizon, so Ryan will be closely monitoring the forecast to ensure that their summit bid is set up for success. Tomorrow, they’ll be heading up to Camp 4 and we will confirm when they’ve arrived safely!”

Pioneer Adventures

“Our team who have planned their summit on 21/22 May, have to halted their summit push due to unfavorable weather conditions. They are all waiting at camp 2 and 3 for the perfect weather to attempt their final summit push.

“Hopefully the weather will clear soon and they can achieve their goals and return back safely!

“Wishing all the best to our entire expedition team!!!”

7 Summits Club

“Today the Everest team spent the whole day in Camp 2, as there was bad weather. About half a meter of snow fell. The groups that went to Camp 3 yesterday were not able to move up or down from it today. Now the sky has cleared and the South Col is visible. Tomorrow, the Everest team plans to go to Camp 3. The summit assault is scheduled for the 23rd.

“Today, the participants of the team “Lhotse 8516″ have prepared things, collected backpacks and are planning to go to the first camp at night. Everyone has a fighting spirit. But the weather is still playing hide-and-seek with us.”

Seven Summit Treks

“Our entire team is at basecamp, some strong climbers from our team are willing to make a summit push on 24th (small weather window), however, we are not in rush, as weather and wind are not stable.

“All team members and Sherpas are well acclimatized, prepared, and steady, waiting for a green signal.

“During the next weather window, the mountain may see 300+ climbers to its top.”

Sherzod Kuchkarov

“Friends, for health reasons I decided not to continue the expedition.

“Many thanks to everyone for their support! Peace to your home!!!”

Snowy Horizon Treks

“Snowy Everest Summit Expedition-Spring 2021 team reached Camp 3 tonight for a Summit Plan of 23rd May morning!!!

“We wish them a successful attempt!!!”

Summit Climb

“Return to Camp 3! Good weather today in C2 so LETS GO.

“We climbed in warm windless sunshine to C3 in 6 hours – good for us (well some of us are using oxygen). Now we are relaxing in the tent in C3 watching the most amazing incredible sunset over Mts Pumori and Cho Oyu while eating noodle soup.

“We will put our heads down shortly, some of us sleeping on O2. We plan to wake up at 1am eat breakfast, pack up, and begin the epic climb to C4, some of us using O2, across the Yellow Band, over the Geneva Spur, and dropping down onto the South Col.

“The weather forecast is calling for 45kph winds but no snow, so take your pick. We are still targetting 23 May for a low wind, no snow, summit day.

“Fingers crossed and all manner of thoughts and prayers that the mountain is going to let this happen and kindly please let us summit!”

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