Saturday, February 8, 2025
Everest 2024

Furtenbach Adventures Everest Summary

Furtenbach Adventures sum up a successful season on Everest!

“Our Everest season summary, with gratitude and humility, but also pure joy and excitement!

After a difficult start with permit and route delays we now look at the best possible outcome and once more we could prove, why we are the industry leader, with an unmatched success and safety record over 8 consecutive years. Thanks to the work of a fantastic team of guides, Sherpa, doctors and kitchen staff.

100% success rate for each of our 3 South side teams
100% success rate for our North side team
77 persons put on on the summit, that is 12% of ALL summits this year

South side Flash expedition took 28 days, despite a 2 weeks delay with the icefall route
North side Flash expedition took astonishing 12 days from Kathmandu to the summit, we had the mountain to ourselves and were the first foreigners so summit from North since 2019

The first woman from the Domenican Republic to summit Everest
The youngest person from Austria and Italy to summit Everest
Kenton Cool made his 18th summit, guiding the “twins“

If you want to be part of the industry leading Everest expedition in 2025, North or South, Classic, Flash or Signature, get in touch now! 2025 spots are almost sold out!”