Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trio summit Denali 15 days after Everest

Jur Rademakers, Hylke Knot and Arnold Coster have made the summit of Denali, just 15 days after standing on top of Mount Everest.

Rademakers explained all on his Facebook page:

“On the 16th of June we stood on the summit of Denali, only 15 days after our summit of Mount Everest on the first of June.

“Together with Hylke Knot and Arnold Coster we stood on the highest point of North America. Totally different than our Everest expedition.

“On Denali you do everything yourself, on Everest we had a lot of support from our great sherpa’s. On Everest we use oxygen above 7000m, but we were acclimatized until that height.

“So on 5th of June we took a plane to Anchorage where we landed on the 7th. On the 10th we had our flight to Denali basecamp and summited only 6 days later.

“On the 19th in the early morning we had our flight back to Talkeetna. We were lucky with the weather, but also picked the right summit day.

“No other group went up that day and the weather was not perfect. But on the summit ridge everything came together and we had some amazing views.

“What a special 2,5 months. Making it to the summit of 2 totally different, but equally special mountains.”

“Glad to go home now, and be with my family!”

Knot added;

“Normally the Denali expedition would take about 21 days. Because we came from mt Everest we did not have to acclimatise. So every we pushed up a camp and we held only 1 rest day in camp 14. Climbing the mountain is mind blowing everyday you have different views. AND THEY ARE AMAZING!”

Great effort guys!