Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ukraine / Nepalese Expedition – K2 Updates

A Ukranian trio were working with their Nepalese friends to attempt K2 this summer.

Irina Galay, Dmitry Semerenko and Nazariy Kryvosheyev linked up with three Nepalese Sherpas including Mingma Dorchi Sherpa to attack the Savage Mountain.

We followed their journey here…

31st July

Dmitry Semerenko

“K2! Mountain widow, mountain murderer, mountain death! So I was told, warned and showed statistics. And of course it’s true. But … You are so beautiful, words are not appropriate. This is not love at first sight. This is something from the inside, it is deeper. This feeling through time. It’s not because everyone says no. It is a deep respect and acceptance of any outcome. Complete humility. Everything that happened was magic. We found ourselves in harsh weather, during acclimatization. It was somehow joyful, somehow honest. As a test of you, are you even worthy to live at my feet? You’re beautiful! Even in anger. And touch the top, like a shrine! I bow to your character, you are beautiful in everything!”

30th July

Irina Galay

“First of all I want to tell you that if it were not for my beloved @yubau111 this expedition would not be!

“He completely organized everything, supported me and reminded me every day that his thoughts were close and that everything would work out. Thank you, you can’t even imagine what you did for me!

“The incredible team of Dmitry Semerenko with his cool sense of humor and Nazariy with his boundless talent made this expedition special!

“Thank you @nikitoz.balabanov for your experience, advice and willingness to help @mingmaofficial you are super strong and my brother now. 

“Also to all the friends who supported.

“K2 can be taken only by teamwork.”

27th July


18th July


“We have already held one acclimatization exit, one night at 6100 and two at 6700, we were unlucky with the weather and K2 showed how she can rage. After the descent, I can definitely say that it will be the hardest mountain test in my life. But physically and morally I’m ready, I think all the mountains that were before, it was just a workout!”

14th July

“At the Broad Peak Base Camp (8047m) I met an incredibly strong, brave and beautiful Ukrainian woman 🙂 Yulia Zi. She is here to climb her first big mountain and she chose one of the most difficult ones! But we will ignite the yellow and blue energy on the tops of Karakorum! And we from the slopes of Jolie (K2) 🙂 will make sure that Brad Pitt (Broad Peak) :))) hugged you tenderly, kissed and let go)!”

11th July

“We covered 80 km of trekking in 4 days! Incredible mountains around, Pakistan impresses with its beauty and seriousness! The mountains here are not for children, this is the next step after Nepal.”

10th July

“We at Base Camp K2! Feeling great! Getting ready to climb!”

4th July

“We have arrived in Skarda! Due to the bad weather, Pakistan airlines canceled all flights and we decided to go by car! Hard, 16 hours (800 km), through a pass, a long and dangerous road, but we are there. We have everything according to plan, the team is assembled Three Ukrainians and 3 Nepalese Mingma plus two of whom are already at the Base Camp today.

“The guys are very cool and strong, they follow their own records. Adviser to our team will be Nikitoz Balabanov we trust him like no one. We will arrive at Base Camp on time and even in advance, just everything will be ready and organized before our arrival.”

3rd July

“We flew to Islamabad, many said that it was impossible this year but God loves us.”



Irina Galay Instagram

Dmitry Semerenko Instagram

Nazariy Kryvosheyev Instagram

Mingma Dorchi Sherpa

Summit Karakoram

Pioneer Adventures