Saturday, July 27, 2024
Everest 2021

Everest 2021 – Climber Updates – 12th May

A selection of Social Media updates from some of the climbers on Everest – 12th May

Colin O’Brady

“After a somewhat restless second night in Camp 3, I’m back down in Camp 2 and reunited with @jennabesaw.

“This rotation isn’t officially complete until I’m safely back in Base Camp, which will be tomorrow. But the hard work is done.

“Overall I feel great and think this second rotation was a success. It was confidence building to get up to 26,000ft (7900m), and set a new personal best for altitude without supplemental oxygen. Not going to lie that thin air is tough on the lungs. I have a bit of a cough now, but that is to be expected.

“Time to head back to Base Camp and recover. The next time up the mountain will be for a summit push!!”

Gabriel Tarso

“At least another five days waiting for the best opportunity to get back on the move. Nature is perfect, isn’t it? It is what it is, and we are what we are.

“Therefore, we can only look at yourself, beyond the whole. Because it is not about us wanting to comply with a goal or following crazy plans at all costs. What exists is only the willingness to choose a path to follow.

“Everything else is only written in the field of ideas. Let us be responsible for resizing our size ourselves. Because if we forget quickly, nature reminds us.”

Dr Jon Kedrowski

“Super grateful to be here in this place and getting ready to make a summit push to the top of the world in the next week or two. I certainly don’t feel a year older, and I’m thankful for good health, good knees, and the ability to do what I love for a living.

“I got to talk to nearly all of my close family and the people I love the most today. Beyond grateful for your love and support. It certainly makes these two months away from home seem like they go by really fast. It’s always special to spend your birthday in the Everest region of Nepal or Tibet, I’ve been here a lot over the years and to ring in my birthday like this is always extra fun!

“After a few more days of active rest we have a job to do- let’s go out and get to the top of the world @mikeposner you’ve got this buddy!”

Jonathon Lamy

“We are prisoners of the weather.

“Patience is the master word now, because you have to wait for the right window

“A few teams managed to take the slot of 11&12. The Clever…!

“Next slot is May 21th to 25th. This one will be for us!

“The wait is long, but I was warned. Trying to get busy as I can while it’s nice on camp.

“I’m in shape and looking forward to living this dream up to the 8848 m.

“Another big THANK YOU to my sponsors / partners / teammates and to all of you who follow me”

Josh Gates

“Josh and the Alpine Ascents  team have completed their acclimatization rotations to as high as Camp 3.

“They are now at basecamp, awaiting their window for a summit bid.”

Kilian Jornet 

“Acclimatization done!

“David Goettler and I went for a last acclimatization trip just below 8000m in the Lhotse face from Camp 2 and down to Base Camp following the normal route.

“Now some time to rest and wait.”

Með Umhyggju

“Now we are waiting for a weather window on Everest.

“There is a strong wind at the top of Everest in the weather forecast, so now it’s the patience season that has begun.

Mike Posner

“We made camp3!!!!! Climbing the Lhotse Face was a lot of fun and always a blast with @dcsherpa and @drjonkedski …Yung Dawa dusted us and took another big load to camp 3.

“When we arrived @nimsdai and @mingma_david_sherpa and @mt.sherpa were there with their crew. And OF COURSE we had a dance session to @mfnmelo ‘a music!!!!!!

“This is as high as we will go before the summit push. Now it’s time to go down and rest, and wait for good weather.

“Body is springing all sorts of little leaks up here and I’m having a hard time sleeping. Time to get low and rest!”

Remy Kloos

“Today @pasanguide and I went on an off the beaten track hike and ended up at this magical lake… no one else around. Breathing in the serene energy, marveling at the almighty peaks dwarfing us. I felt calm. At ease. At peace. Energized.

“The buzz at base camp is one that is a little tense at the moment, with everyone closely watching the weather window and strategizing when to make that big push up. For me I need two good days of weather up high, for my Everest- Lhotse double summit journey. So for now it’s still a waiting game, fueling my days with hikes like this.

“The summits are only a fraction of this whole life- changing experience. The friends/ family made, the dancing, the laughing, the sharing tents, the card games, the crying, the advice sharing, the culture learning, the joking and messing around. All of it. All heart enriching moments that I will never forget.

“I know my summit shine will come, I have full faith in my mountain Gods. They know my plan. It’s hard waiting, so hard. But choosing to focus on the joy along the way is what will get me through.”

Sanna Raistakka

We had a leisurely morning although we did want to beat the worse of the (in)famous #Western Cwm heat, which we’d heard could be brutal. And so it was! Before we even left camp 1 (#C1) around 8.30am we stripped off all unnecessary layers and very fashionably continued our journey to camp 2 (#C2) in thermal underwear. Otherwise you’d cook yourself!

Now we also had additional gear to carry to the next camp. Roeland had stashed our larger C2 tent in camp 1 weeks earlier, among other items, so on this trip we carried two tents, sleeping bags, stove, gas, and food for several days, which made the bags a bit on the heavy side… Although our meagre 12-14kgs was nothing compared to the local #Sherpas who easily carry twice the amount on twice the distance. But more about these super strong Sherpas in another post.

“We had a heavier load from C1 to C2 with our big tent strapped to Roeland’s bag while I had the summit tent
The distance between C1 and C2 in terms of time is somewhere between 3-4 hours, and you only gain about 300m in elevation depending where your camp is.

“We were at the far end, of course, and although it is better for your acclimatization to sleep higher, the last 45mins kicked our butts.

“Despite the heat we had been going at a good pace, but the loads started eating on the energy levels, so within a sight distance from C2 we decided to drop some weight on the trail and pick it up a bit later. Or Roeland would pick it up – I stayed behind getting the tent set and ice collected. Except that the predicted snowstorm got heavier just when he was out, almost losing track and sight of C2, although he was really close. There was a moment of worry until he finally stumbled in like a snow man.

“All of this — the earlier heat, the heavier load, altitude, the not-yet-fully-recovered state, and snowstorm — added up by the end of the day as we laid, tired, in the tent. Although we were happy to have gotten this far, compared to where we were a week earlier, we were even happier at the thought of a rest day the next day.”

Shehroze Kashif

“My Beloved Pakistan, you are on the highest mountain in the world, setting history with me!”

“Here is a moment of pride for Us”

“Here is our Green Flag in my hands and it’s for you all!”

“This is for my family, specially my father. We both trusted Allah Almighty and He helped us to make it possible and today I realized my dream.”

“This is for my friends, my people, my social media family. I cant thank you all enough for the love, prayers and support I received”.

“This is for all those who helped me, inspired me and guided me on my way from Makra to Everest.”

shehroze kashif everest summit