Saturday, February 8, 2025
2023 NewsNews

Hamor and team attempt unclimbed Kabru face


An interesting expeditions taking place in the Himalayas this season is that of a team including Slovak mountaineer Peter Hamor, attempting the first ascent in the history of the western wall of the southernmost seven-thousander of the world, Mount Kabru South (7394 meters high), located on the border of Nepal and Sikkim, India.

The team consisting Italians Nives Meroi and Romano Benet, Slovenian Bojan Jan and Hamor have a base camp established and are ready to storm their new route.

The first ascent to the top of Kabru took place on May 12, 1994 by an Indian team led by H.S. Chauhan.

Climbers made the summit along the route from the east then on to the northern ridge without the use of added oxygen.

The western face of this mountain was attempted, unsuccesfully, in 2004 by a Serbian team.