Saturday, July 27, 2024
Everest 2021

Daily Everest Updates – 25th May

A summary of updates from Individuals and Teams on Everest – 25th May.

Adam Hodges

“We had all kinds of weather events the past 10 days, including Cyclone Tauktae from India.

“Made it to Camp 4 in the South Col, but the weather window we were hoping for was anything but. After waiting at Camp 4 for an additional day, we made the decision it would be better to head back down to base camp.

“I came all the way down from Camp 4 to Base Camp in the last two days. In the next day or two depending on the weather from the next impending Cyclone Yaas, the plan is to take a helicopter to Lukla and then another Helicopter to Kathmandu. I’m exhausted, but doing well.

“I appreciate the prayers.”

Alpine Ascents

“It’s go time!!!

“Josh and team will leave South Col (camp 4) after midnight Nepal time. Pray for a swift ascent, weather to stay stable, and for strength for each team member.”

Cokie Berenyi

“Made it! And down safely. I’m short on words yet LONG on gratitude for the village of prayer warriors and supporters that helped me make this happen.

“Thankful now for a bed, to not have a hot water bottle at my feet, AND, to be headed home.

“Can’t wait to reach out to each and everyone of you to say thank you in a more personal way—for now, sleep.”

Colin O’Brady

“It’s go time!! Tonight we are leaving Base Camp headed directly to Camp 2. After that we’ll have to play it by ear a little bit. There is a big snowstorm coming that may last a day or two. I’ll wait out the snow in Camp 2 and once it clears it’ll be go time for the summit!

“It’s been a longer than expected wait to get to this point. Nonetheless I’m feeling healthy, strong and ready to go!

“Time to go touch the top of the world!!”

Daniel Wolfson

“I am happy and proud to be the first Israeli woman to reach the summit of Everest, the highest mountain in the world.

“The sky is really the limit, do not let fear prevent you from flying the farthest with your dreams, do not let anyone stop you. We have incredible powers within us to fulfill anything we aspire to.”

Eduard Kubatov

“May 23, 8.35 am I climbed the highest point of our earth – Everest, 8848.8 meters!

“I reached my dream, but this Great Mountain took away all my physical and moral strength, almost reached between life and death!

“I dedicate this victory only to my country, my people and land !!! I am immensely proud that I managed to raise our Kyrgyz flag over the top and our ak-kalpak !!!

“I knew that this victory was expected in my homeland, and despite all the difficulties with the weather, health, exhaustion, I was able to reach the Summit! This victory is only for you, my dear country, my dear Kyrgyzstanis.”

Elite Expeditions

“All our clients and Sherpa guides who left Base Camp for the summit push today have now arrived safely at Camp 2 (6500m).”

“All team members are in good health and feeling strong.”

Francois Trouillet

“Not the end I imagined… evacuation in Kathmandu.

“But that is Everest it’s beautiful and hard.”

Garrett Madison

“Just back in base camp after a great summit #11 of Mount Everest! The Madison Mountaineering team had a perfect day at the top of the world! 9 clients, 4 guides, and 20 Nepal Sherpas all reached the top on May 23rd and are now back in base camp safe & sound.

“We’ve been up above base camp for the last 10 days on our summit push, waiting for the perfect weather window. We spent a few extra days in camps 2, 3, & 4 waiting for our ‘keyhole’. Our patience paid off.”

Jonathan Lamy

“Just arrived at base camp after a very long descent into the ice fall.

“That’s it, my peaks are validated!

“What a joy, this is crazy.”

International Mountain Guides

“Tomorrow morning we have 22 Sherpa heading up to Camp 2 to complete the tear down of that camp, with the final loads of gear coming down over the next couple days.

“All the expedition garbage will be sorted at Base Camp, with the cans, bottles, and oxygen cylinders all heading down valley for recycling, and burnable items going to the incinerator. We will be looking forward to having our entire team and staff back at EBC soon!”

Liliya Ianovskaia

“Difficult to describe how I feel these days – disappointed and unfulfilled?

“As much as we tried to follow precautions and distance ourselves at base camp, I tested positive for Covid on the eve of our planned summit departure, after a successful second acclimatization rotation to C3. As a result, I was immediately put in isolation, where I remained until yesterday.

“Instead of making summit plans, I am recovering from the virus and have to make plans on how to get home.”

Nirmal Purja MBE

“Today, we made the move to Camp 2 (6,500m) directly from Everest Base Camp. To be fair, it wasn’t an easy day for our clients due to high winds between Camp 1 and 2. I’m super impressed by these brave men and women who joined me on our Elite Expedition’s Everest & Lhotse exped. They have been performing really well so far, I couldn’t be prouder.”

“As an exped leader; I haven’t left any stone unturned in terms of decision making or the science behind it and I have done absolutely everything I can in terms of planning, preparation, and studying the weather etc . I’m super excited for my team .”

Pioneer Adventures

“Leading from bottom to the top and back!!!

“Even though this year was more challenging than previous years, all our team who headed to summit from base camp safely and successfully reached the top and are back to base camp.

“Our team put in their best efforts and we are proud of the great result.”

Summit Climb

“After summiting, we descended to Camp 3 last night. Very tired, we could not make it all of the way to Camp 2. We slept on Oxygen last night. We are awake now, eating breakfast and drinking tea. But the winds are ferocious here in Camp 3. Tents shaking, spindrift snow blasting into the tents through tiny zipper openings…

“Part of our team is now in Camp 2, and they reported that the kitchen/dining tent almost blew away in the high winds. For us here in Camp 3, we are hoping the wind will let up and we can descend safely down the Lhotse Face. Right now, that is not something we can do voluntarily!”


“We Finally Made It Down to Camp 2! It was hard going in a wind snow blizzard, but at least the fixed ropes were there. Lots of spindrift avalanches flowing down the Lhotse Face as we were descending. Crossing the apron at the base of the Lhotse Face was a bit worrisome, as there was no rope and no trail there.

“Finally we made it to Camp 2 in this terrible weather, and collapsed into the tents. A feeling of relief, for sure. Tomorrow we are going to base camp, if the weather cooperates!”

Tim Mosedale

“The end of the line. The end of the road. Termination of contract. Cessation of activities. EndEx.

“Call it what you will I have had to take the extremely difficult decision to call a stop to my attempt on Nuptse.

“There’s a whole range of reasons and I’ll perhaps go in to those another time.”


Daily Everest Updates – 26th May