Everest Updates – 3rd May
Updates on 3rd May from those aiming to climb high on Everest in 2024
Lukas Furtenbach
“Looking forward to enter Tibet in a couple of days to climb Everest from the North side. It will be a light and fast expedition with a small team on an empty mountain.”
Frank Loke
“I have never been as tired as I am now on a single step up. The trip from Camp 2 took just under 7 hours. Spent over 1 hour on the last 100 meters. I had to lie down 3 meters in front of the tent and thought it was smarter to move the tent than to move me. To experience this moment while I’m still hanging on makes me incredibly proud, yet humbled above the mountain, the people and how brutal this actually is. I’m evaluating the white flag today.. Was almost just taken by a “rockfall” – the stone went through the tent and left a large hole. Gonna be a long hard night before we head down tomorrow to complete first rotation.”
Hannah Wise
“Yesterday, we did a test run in the Khumbu Icefall. Tonight- the real deal! If all goes according to plan, we’ll spend six days on Everest. We’ll spend two nights at Camp 1, two nights at Camp II, tag Camp III and come back down to Base Camp until we’re ready for the summit push.”
Darius Henderson
“Furtenbach Adventures certainly have created an amazing basecamp for everyone. What a place and what a company to be attempting to summit Everest with!
Waiting patiently now for a weather window.”
Waiting patiently now for a weather window.”
Updated throughout the day