Saturday, July 27, 2024
Everest 2022

International Mountain Guides – Everest 2022

Everest 2022 updates from the ‘International Mountain Guides’ Team!

Led by Eric Simonson, Ang Jangbu Sherpa, Andy Polloczek, Phunuru Sherpa, Justin Merle, Porter McMichael and Greg Vernovage.

6th May

Our teams are getting ready to head back to EBC after the Camp 3 rotation. All climbers did a great job climbing to Camp 3 and will now get some well-deserved rest. It is time to focus in on the weather and listen for the bell to ring.

The word from high on the mountain is the fixing team is at the South Col and are likely looking at fixing to the summit tomorrow. This is such a great time on the mountain, and historically, pots and pans get hit in BC, making a great ringing noise when word comes down that the Sherpa Fixing Team reached the summit. This will mean the route is open, and it is time to go!

All is well on Mount Everest!

5th May

The IMG teams are having excellent climbing conditions and doing well on Mount Everest. Climbers have been making their way to Camp 2 and 3 the last couple days and reports are that everyone is feeling great and climbing strong. This is great news, and we are looking forward to continuing progress with the Camp 3 rotation. As we work through this rotation, we also focus in on possible summit windows. There is a hint of a cyclone beginning to form off the coast of India that can often times affect the Jet Stream in Nepal. We will be keeping a close eye on this and be ready to go after this rotation.

Our Custom Trek and Climb with Jonathan Schrock trekked down to Chhukung where they caught a ride by helicopter to Lukla and on to Kathmandu. Great job by the team and congratulations on your trip!

Earlier in the day, our Mera Peak honeymoon climb was up early and at the airport. They caught the first flight out of Kathmandu and arrived to the always happy, smiling and fantastic IMG Senior Guide Karma Rita Sherpa. The Team will organize gear and start trekking to Poyan. Tomorrow, they will head to Pangom. Trekking into the Hinku Valley is fantastic, and the team will have plenty of time to acclimatize. At the end of their climb, the plan is to fly out by helicopter which is a spectacular flight and allows for even more amazing views!