Saturday, July 27, 2024
Everest 2022

Kenton Cool – Everest 2022

Following Kenton Cool with these updates for Everest 2022

8th May

The time has come when we need to look upwards and consider a summit attempt.

The team has rested down the valley in Namche, the thicker air allowing our bodies to recover from the rigours of the rotation to Camp 3.

The Sherpas have worked super hard on our behalf (they really are the superhero’s of the mountain) and the logistics are all in place.

Finally the fixing team of Sherpas reached the summit at 18.55 last night (very late) thus opening the mountain for the teams at BC. It should be noted that the fixing team all made it down to C4 safely despite the lateness of the summit!!

So we have no more excuses to delay, the weather looks good, we are primed….it’s time to climb!!

4th May

The acclimatisation rotation on Everest is done and now it’s rest time.

The team spent 5 nights high on the mountain letting our bodies adjust to the altitude. It wasn’t easy, we all suffered at some point from the harsh environment but we got through it!

We touched 7000m on the Lhotse face before returning to Basecamp and a well earned rest!

25th April

First sight of Everest Base Camp!!

There are always mixed feelings on
seeing BC for the first time.

While it feels like a home coming, (I’ve spent a good two years of my life here) it’s paired with the knowledge that I’ll be away from the family for a prolonged period, which is hard.

I balance my approach to the mental side of being away from the family. I do this by being as present as possible before and after every expedition. Spending meaningful time with the wife and the children is a must, even if it’s difficult in the hectic build up to an expedition.

The other tool I use is the knowledge that it’s not forever. Yes an Everest expedition is a long time away from home but it’s not months and months. I don’t tick of the days as that would be dangerous, I simply visualise the home coming and how that will feel!!!